Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday's Fabulous Find (#17)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The beginning of summertime
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday's Fabulous Find (#16)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dancing with the Stars Finale
Monday, May 18, 2009
Taleah's Graduation
Friday, May 15, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Coupon Katie
Taleah's Graduation Festivities Begin...
On Friday morning, I went to my sister-in-law, Taleah's honor ceremony. She received her highest honors sash that she will wear on graduation day (this Saturday!). That afternoon, she signed papers to play basketball with the Lady Bucks at Motlow State Community College in Tullahoma, TN. I am so proud of my sis, and I can't believe she is graduating!
In Sunday school yesterday, the lesson was Hannah: Ideals of Motherhood (1 Samuel 1:1-2, 10-11, 17-18, 21-28; 2:1-2). While I am not a mother yet, the lesson spoke to me in so many ways. At the end of the lesson in our book, there is always a great summary that brings everything together, and I just had to share it.
Hannah is an example for all of us. Mothers--and fathers as well--should cultivate the following qualities in their lives:
- Faithful--remaining true to the Lord even when the going gets tough and times of disappointment come
- Gracious--never returning insult for insult, even though someone else may hurl slashing comments that inflict hurt
- Prayerful--taking every situation to the Lord and then waiting on Him to answer our prayers as He deems best
- Trusting--believing God is the answer to any situation that must be faced
- Trustworthy--keeping one's word and fulfilling one's vows--even when it might mean giving up that which is precious to us
- Thankful--giving thanks and praise to God for whatever He graciously bestows