Friday, May 28, 2010
24th Birthday
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The past two days...

Then, when I got home Sunday night, I got a call from my best friend Brittany, who lives in Middle TN now. She called to tell me that she took a test, it was positive, and she was PREGNANT!!! I have been praying so hard for her & Daniel, and I am so excited for them! I love you Britt!! :o)
I worked Monday, and when I came home, we grilled hamburgers, had loaded baked potatoes & corn. It was so yummy!! I love spring/summer nights, even though it's not even summer yet! We are getting ready to head to Target to buy some organization supplies and then come back & price more yard sale items. We are really trying to get rid of stuff we don't need & get more organized! I am very organized with everyday things, but when it comes to the attic, closets, etc., I tend to let it go, but we are trying so hard to get organized in those areas, and I think we have been successful! I couldn't have done it without John T., he has helped me SO much! Enjoy your Tuesday!
Saturday, May 15, 2010're going by too fast!

I am not a huge book reader, but I haven't been able to put this one down. I'm trying not to read too much at one time because I don't want to finish it so soon. It is such an inspirational book for any woman out there. While I am not a mom, nor have I experienced anything close to what Angie and her family have, I can relate to what Angie expresses throughout the book. She relates what she went through to stories in the Bible, and I just highly recommend it to any woman! You can read Angie's blog (& Audrey's story) here.
Well, I better get in the bed! Church in the a.m., lunch with mom & dad, then heading to Thompson-Boling Arena for Kaitlyn's graduation from Clinton High School. Good night! Have a great Sunday! (p.s. I'm so excited that I am finally caught up on my blog! yay!)