On December 5-7, John T. & I headed to Pigeon Forge with Daniel & Brittany (soon to be Smiley) & Dustin & Whittney James. We stayed in a beautiful cabin in the middle of nowhere, and it was gREaT! I had only stayed in a cabin one time in my life in P. Forge, and it was NOT a good experience, so I was pleasantly surprised this time around. Daniel, Brittany, John T., me, & Whittney all rode up together on Friday & met Dustin for supper @ Texas Roadhouse. Our waitress was dressed as a Christmas tree, so that was fun..lol. We went grocery shopping afterwards for breakfast stuff for the next morning, then headed back to the cabin after looking at the lights. Saturday morning, I was the last one to get out of bed, and woke up to Brittany in my bed telling me that she had thrown up & was not feeling well at all. :o( We ate breakfast, and while Whittney & Dustin shopped all day, John T. & I stuck around with Britt & Daniel, while Brittany was trying to sleep off the stomach bug. I felt so sorry for her. While she slept, I ate, lived, & breathed football, as Saturday was the SEC championship. I also learned that John T. & Daniel could probably bicker about anything having to do with Peyton Manning & the Colts & the Titans. John T., being the HUGE Peyton fan that he is, and Daniel being the HUGE Titans fan he is made for an interesting Saturday! We ended up getting out around 8:00 pm to go to Tanger and then to see Four Christmases. We left Sunday morning & headed back to watch the Titans/Browns game at our house with Daniel & Brittany...already looking forward to Dec.28th...Colts vs. Titans!

Brittany feeling much better on Sunday...we had to get our caramel apples!

Our beautiful cabin! Thanks Dustin! :o)

My love & I