Our first Christmas was abosolutely great! We were super busy both Christmas eve & Christmas day, but I am so incredibly thankful we got to spend the holiday with so many family & friends. John T. worked on Christmas eve until 2:00, and when he got home, we went to my mom & dad's to exchange presents.
I loved our painted ceiling tile...this will be going on the wall over our bed! Thanks, Carrie @ ella minnow pea :o)
John T., me, Mom, & Dad

After we left mom & dad's, we headed to John T.'s mamaw's for yummy food & more presents!
John T. & me

The Armes CrEw: John T., Jessica, Taleah, Lorrie, Jayden, & Tim

After mamaw's, we went to John T.'s mom & dad's to exchange presents with them and watch everyone open their presents. Everybody got some great stuff!! My favorite was my new North Face jacket & gloves! :o)
After leaving John T.'s mom & dad's, we came back to our house and opened presents from each other & then had cookies and milk before going to bed. We opened our stockings from Santa when John T. got up to go to work (@ 4:50 AM!) on Christmas morning.
Just after opening our presents from each other. Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas Day was also packed with lots and lots of fun! After John T. got off work, we went to his mom & dad's for lunch. Afterwards, we went to my nanny & poppy's to exchange presents with my mom's side of the family. To end the night, we headed to Loudoun to my aunt Sharon & uncle Daryl's for steaks & more presents! We are so incredibly blessed beyond belief!! I give all glory to God for his many, many, BlEssIngS & for a great 1st CHRISTmas together!! I hope everyone had a wonderful & blessed CHRISTmas 2008!
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