We had a fabulous Christmas this year. It started out on December 20 at John T.'s granny's house. We had great food (fruit pizza...my favorite!) and got lots of great presents. Below, is a traditional picture we take with all of the grandkids (John T. & I, with his sisters, Taleah & Jayden). I love looking back and see how we have changed over the years.

Mom also got me this necklace that we found at a Christmas vendor show. It has a tiny mustard seed in the silver circle at the top. I love it so much!
...I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
It's back to work for us tomorrow; however, I am only working tomorrow and New Year's Eve, so I am hoping to gets lots of organizing/cleaning, etc. done this week. Oh, and I found some great after Christmas deals yesterday at Wal-Mart that I will blog about later! Do any of ya'll have a tradition of after Christmas bargain shopping?
I hope to get some organizing and cleaning done this week too! I went to walmart Saturday and got some wrapping paper and icicle lights (for our house next year!). All 1/2 off of course! Good luck with your organizing this week! I am working Tuesday (I know...gasp!) but I plan on getting rid of junk the rest of the week!
I love the mustard seed pendant, that is one of my favorite Bible verses (well, one of many :). Glad you had a great Christmas!
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