Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Carson {7 months}

Carson, you're 7 months old!

Weight/Height/Head Circumference:

I'm totally guessing at all of these measurements, but I would say you are probably 19-20 pounds, 28" long, and your head circumference is around 45 cm. You don't go back to the doctor until August for your 9 month check-up.

Clothing Size:

You are wearing 3-6 months in all of your clothes, and a size 2 or 3 in shoes, just depending on how they're made.


You are wearing size 3 diapers (Target brand) during the day. At night, we started using Huggies Overnites, and they are magical! You've only had a couple of nights where you have peed through your diaper, compared to like an every night occurrence before the Overnites. 


You are still doing great on Similac Alimentum formula. You eat about 5 ounces about every 3 hours during the day & 8 ounces in your bedtime bottle. You have become a wiggle worm when you drink your bottle! I have to turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & sit you in my lap for you to sit long enough to finish your bottle!

We also started baby food! Yahoo! You have done great so far and seem to really love eating!


Your hair is still a dirty blonde color, and your eyes are still blue. Sometimes, they have a green tint to them in the middle, but most of the time, they are just blue. Your hair is really growing in the back of your head! It's getting thick!


You still go to bed so easily at night in your crib & sleep great. Your bedtime is around 7:30. Most times, you still wake up once to eat, and then you normally sleep until 7:00. You still take great naps during the day! Sometimes you just take 30-45 minute cat naps, but other times, you will sleep for almost 1-2 hours. 

Other Stuff:

You learned to pull up while we were on vacation! (June 5, 2014; 6 months, 2 weeks old)
This was the first time you did it!

You started eating puffs & love them! I put one in my hand & you get it & feed yourself. :o)

You learned how to put your foot in your mouth!

You took your first LONG road trip to Ft. Walton Beach on May 30!

Since you learned to pull up, that's your favorite thing to do, besides crawling & exploring.

You slept in your pack 'n play on vacation. This was something I was super worried about because you are so routined with your sleep, but you did great!

You were a huge fan of your blow up pool the first few times we put you in it, but once you learned to pull up, you just wanted to crawl out!

You loved the sand at the beach, but you didn't like the ocean! I think the waves scared you, and it was pretty cold, too!

You slept so much at the beach! The sun must have worn you completely out...you were in bed by 6:30 central time, every single night. :o)

We celebrated dada's first Father's Day on June 15!

Speaking of dada, you woke up saying it on June 19 (6 months, 4 weeks) & haven't stopped since!! We hear dada dada dada about 1000 times a day! :o)

Here was your typical schedule this past month:

7:00-wake up/drink a bottle
8:00-breakfast (rice cereal & food of the day)
11:00-lunch (food of the day)
6:00-rice cereal or food of the day or both
7:30-bottle & bedtime!

Right now, we've just been doing one food a day for 3-4 days before trying something new.

Pictures from your 7th month:

Products We Love @ 7 months:

Plum Organics Pouches

I have made green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, mangos, & peaches, but I've also bought some of these Plum organics baby food pouches for on the go. They also make spoons that you can screw on to the end. You LOVE these, and they are so fun! (I have a small obsession with all things baby food!) :)

Fisher Price Puppy & Friends Learning Table

You first played with this at Tenley & Leyton's, and you loved it, so we had to buy you one!

Mustela Sunscreen
You have been sunburn free all summer thanks to this stuff! :o)

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