Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Shopping & Jayden's First B-ball Game

Today, I was determined to finish all of my Christmas shopping, so I headed out early this morning, and drove all over Knoxville, but I am oficially done! Now, I just have to wrap everything and wait for Christmas! I absolutely love this time of year, even if it is stressful at times. :o)

Tonight, I went to my SIL, Jayden's first basketball game. She is 6 years old and to watch these little kiddos play, just warms my heart. It was so fun to see them running up and down the court, carrying the ball at times, instead of dribbling! They had so much fun, and Jayden's team won 14-10!

Since this was her first ever game, she was so nervous! I told her just to watch what the other kids were doing and to just have a good time, and that's exactly what she did. She loved it!

 Here she is, #6, ready to go! She looked like she was ready to come sit down on the bleachers with us before the game started, but once she got the hang of it, she was good to go!
After the game with her momma, my MIL, Lorrie

Good game, Jayden! I can't wait to see you play again next weekend!

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